A Historic Occasion
September 3rd 2005
                              By P.M. Everette Z. Mackey

It was March 6th,  1775 when Prince Hall and fourthteen other men of colour
were initiated in an Irish Military lodge number 441 under Worshipful Master John
Batt. Now 230 years later on September  3rd 2005, Right Worshipful Grand
Senior Warden Ersley Johnson of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge
Commonwealth of the Bahamas, led a delegation consisting of District  Deputy
Grand Master Eugene Nairn and P.M. Everette Mackey to Providence Lodge No.
928 Irish Constitution

The occasion was the installation of Right Worshipful Master Peter Desmond
Cole as the 3rd Master of Providence Lodge 928, held at Victoria Lodge Temple
Bay St. This marked the first official visitation of a Prince Hall Lodge to an Irish
lodge in the Bahamas. The installation was also attended by the R.W. District
Grand Master James Bain & the District Grand Lodge  of the Bahamas and
Turks, E.C., R.W. District Grand Master Idres Reid & the District Grand Lodge  of
the Bahamas S.C. and  the Provincial Assistant Grand Master P.H.G. Stuart &
Provincial Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Bahamas I.C.